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Tag: Mental health

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being all contribute to our mental health. It has an impact on how we think, feel, and act. It also includes mental, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It all comes down to how people think, feel, and act. Mental health problems are serious, and more attention should be paid to them. It is critical that you are aware of the state of your mental health. If you notice that situations and your environment are affecting your mental health, please seek help. You can improve your mental state of mind in a variety of ways.

Five Ways to Take Care of your Mental Health

What exactly is mental health? Let's begin with a definition of mental wellness. Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. According...

Why Is Mental Health Awareness Important

What is mental health? According to the World Health Organization, Mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her...

Mental Health – The 20s Journey to Clarity

Youthfulness, health, beauty, energy mostly defines people in their twenties but they are still seeking clarity. The young adult period is characterized by rapid...

Does People’s Opinion About You Matter?

The world we live in is fast evolving, it's a generation where everyone is in each other’s business, and as trendy or cool as...

What You should Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

It's not easy to stop comparing yourself to others. For a lot of us, comparing ourselves with others has become a normal thing. And...

When You Are Not Approachable

How To Become a Friendly Person Being friendly is all about making others feel comfortable around you. In other for you to be a friendly...

What Type of Parent Are You?

Many things go into raising a good child who will grow up to become a happy adult. These things range from education, genes, health,...

How Do You Deal With A Difficult Partner

Relationships are a work in progress that involves conscious commitment, few behavior adjustments, and a positive rhythm for them to reach their full potential.  Relationship...

Finding What Makes You Happy

Finding what makes you happy is the most important thing in your life. Yet so many people struggle with finding happiness and getting more...

Learning To Love Yourself

Loving yourself can be one of the difficult, but yet the most important thing you can ever do for yourself. On various occasions have...

Getting More Done in Less Time

Imagine your whole day spent doing so much but achieving nothing of value. This could be interpreted as time wasted in the form of...

9 Tips to make Long Distance Relationship Work

No matter how much you love each other, there’s probably a part of you that wonders how or if your relationship will survive the...

Can I Enjoy and Explore my Singlehood in Peace

People have often asked me why I’m not dating, some even go further to ask if I hate love. The answer to these questions...

12 Life lessons to Learn Before Your 30th Birthday

Getting to the Thirties comes with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Yet, most people in their 30s never totally prepare for the new...

Dealing with Cheating in your Relationship

Being cheated on is an awful ordeal, and how you handle your relationship at that point has a big part to play in whether...

I Want My Friends to Respect Boundaries

Just like with any relationship, boundaries in friendship are massively important. It helps keep friends relationships healthy and intact. One of the easy ways to...