Home Tech The Application of Technology to Modern Day World

The Application of Technology to Modern Day World

Seat-up Technology is Taking Over
Seat-up Technology is Taking Over

Technology as we all know it has now become a very important part of our lives. It is safe to say that the fast-paced world we live in now would hardly survive without technology.

Tech has become more relevant than ever before, it is no longer been spoken of on the basis of gadgets alone but it has become a tool that deeply affects lives, cultures, and systems of government all across the world.

What then is this technology that has greatly influence our lives?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary technology is the science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes: applied science.

It also defines it as a scientific method of achieving a practical purpose.

In other words, technology is what helps us improve or do better in our everyday life routine like staying connected to work, our loved ones, and basically everything around us.

The truth remains that modern technology has paved way for multifunctional gadgets like smartwatches, smart TV, smartphones, etc, with these technological innovations our lives have radically become easier and maybe simpler than what we use to know.

What are some of the things technology has helped us improved on or has made it a lot easier and quicker to get done.

Technology has changed;

  • How we communicate.
  • The way we watch television in general, be it TV series or just everyday news.
  • How we view and address security.
  • The way we pay bills and are of help financially to others.
  • The way we handle our relationships both sexual and otherwise.
  • Finally and definitely not least it has changed and affected the way we socialize.
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What more should we look forward to in terms of technology?

Is there a future that is totally different from things as we know it right now or is this the end of our journey with tech?

Judging from what we have witnessed so far with Corona in the last 19-20months, we see that on a daily basis there is a new rise of technology innovation, which means that there is more to come.

We all know and understand demand breeds supply, therefore have the world’s demands more of what tech can give and I bet the world will get it.

So what are some of the things we should look forward to in technology?

  1. There will be things like space tourism.
  2. We wouldn’t need to learn how to drive anymore because we would have electronic cars that can drive themselves.
  3. Humans will begin to compete with robots in the workspace although we understand that there are some jobs that can never be taken over by robots the majority of the jobs we have at the moment will be handled by robots in the nearest future.
  4. More smart items:
  • Smart Tee-shirts that do regular check up on your health and sends data to your doctor to keep a check on you.
  • Smart Toothbrushes that able to capture how healthy your teeth are and probably keep you on track on how regularly you must visit your dentist or when it becomes an emergency.
  • Smart Toilet that analyzes the things that desiccate
  • Smart Mirror etc.
  1. Never seen before well improved artificial intelligent innovations.
  2. Faster broadband
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The list goes on and on, as we have seen technology overtake our world so far we must expect it to keep revolutionizing our world. The more expectant we are the better for us and the easier it will be for us to accept what seems to be our new reality.


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