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What Causes pain During Sex in Females

What Causes pain During Sex in Females
What Causes pain During Sex in Females

Sex is supposed to be great. That is why there are millions of songs, movies and books mentioning just how spectacular it is.

So why is it that some women experience pain during sex? It could be a pin at first entry, pain with every thrust, pain that lasts hours after sex or deep pain within the vagina.

Whatever it is, there must be a cause for it and a way to stop it. If you are familiar with this sort of pain and you would like to know more, this article was specially written for you.

Source: Dr. Jennifer Lincoln

Physical or emotional factors can cause pain during sex. Physical factors of pain vary based on the type of pain, i.e., pain at entry or 

Pain at entry

Pain at entry can be caused by:

– Insufficient Lubrication: This can happen if there is not enough foreplay before penetration. Foreplay is what gets women aroused, and only when they are aroused can they be lubricated (wet) enough for easy penetration. If she is dry, then the entry will definitely be painful.

– Vaginal agenesis (Not having a fully formed vagina): This condition is present at birth. With this condition, your vaginal opening is blocked by a membrane. This will definitely cause issues for you during sex.

– Vaginismus: This refers to involuntary spasms of the vaginal wall muscles. This makes penetration painful.

Deep Pain

Certain sexual positions that allow for deep penetration may be the cause of this sort of pain. Ordinarily, deep pain can also be caused by;

– Medical operations or treatmentsMedical treatments like radiation for cancer can cause deep pain during sexual intercourse.

– Conditions like uterine fibroids, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids, constipation and much more.

Other Physical factors

There may be a different reason for your painful intercourse.

– Infections or Sexually transmitted diseases. For example, painful intercourse is a symptom of chlamydia and gonorrhea.

– Genital irritation or an allergy. It could be from a product you use or the condom your partner has on.

– Even menopause can be a cause.

Besides these physical factors, emotions play a large role in your sexual life. 

Some emotional or psychological conditions that can impede your sex life include;

  1. Anxiety 
  2. Depression
  3. Fear of Intimacy
  4. Stress
  5. Unstable relationship with your partner
  6. Insecurities, especially regarding your body or appearance
  7. A history of sexual abuse.

Apart from the factors mentioned above, your partner plays a role in how you feel during sex. If the sex is too rough, it could be painful. It’s fun to try out different sexual positions, but you should play it safe most of the time.

Choose a position that allows you to determine just how deep your partner can go. However, if the sex position isn’t the problem, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible. You never know; the pain could be your body’s way of warning you that there might be a bigger issue.

Sex is meant to be an enjoyable experience. If you feel persistent pain during intercourse, you should see the clinic as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This article wasn’t written by a health professional. If you are experiencing any pain during sex, you should see a medical practitioner immediately. 


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