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Seeking Companionship Outside Marriage

Seeking Companionship Outside Marriage
Seeking Companionship Outside Marriage

This topic is a really delicate one. There are several reasons a woman can seek solace outside her marriage. Sometimes there is just no reason, in particular, you could figure out why you do what you do.

Some of the reasons couple Seek Companionship Outside Marriage


A woman deprived of attention from her husband may feel the need to run back to available exes, friends that have been cut off for the best reasons just to fill up the emptiness, so they seek solace in familiar places.


Compatibility entails more than just physical compatibility. Sexual incompatibility could push a woman to get satisfaction elsewhere.

Really, not just married men cheat. It is rampant with both genders and there seems to be no stop to the unending madness.

Now perfection cannot be reached in marriage as both parties are without flaws but when both parties cannot always reach a compromise with their flaws, what then?


Marriage is not the cure for loneliness. If you are reading this and loneliness is a major reason you want to get married, could you hold off a bit?

It seems you might have not come to the realization of who you truly are and the things that bring you joy and you could do to shake off loneliness.

Loneliness just like every other emotion is not unique to one person, everyone feels this one time or another. 

Absurd expectations

Marriage gives companionship but will your partner be at your beck and call at all times? This is not to say they will not be available for you in your time of need, it just means y’all are leaving your lives together but you cannot put a hold on each other’s lives.

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If you have to be with someone else just to hurt your husband for cheating. You might as well kiss your marriage goodbye. These could blow out of proportion and affect your kids if you have any.

Do you know that flirtatious chats with the opposite sex and online affairs are cheating? Keeping up with these acts, fuel it up into something else.

Why Do We Cheat In Relationship?

Marriage is an intentional union and intentional efforts should be put into making it work at all times meaning, you cannot stop dating your partner.

When there is little time to engage in activities that used to be fun or adventurous for both parties especially when there is more workload or there are now kids. It makes marriage feel boring or monotonous.

Making out time to do fun things and fire up your sex life will help spice things up. 

Instead of having sex, other people, could you start that up with your husband, flirt with him, if he does not bulge, could you try communicating how you feel to him without shouting?

The same way you do new things to make yourself better, your business, prayer life and job, is the same way you do new things to make your marriage work.

An important point to note, people are having open marriages but in the long run, are you sure you could cope with it and not be bitter?


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