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Can Working-out Give Me My Dream Butt

Can Workingout Give Me My Dream Butt
Can Workingout Give Me My Dream Butt

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a big and rounder butt. The common question people ask is can butt exercises make my butt bigger?

The answer is yes. It’s possible to activate the butt area of your body through exercise by engaging particular muscles which will make your butt firmer and have a lovely appearance.

There are three main muscles you want to target that will increase the size of your butt. 

  1. Gluteus Maximus
  2. Gluteus Medius
  3. Gluteus Minimus

The gluteus maximum is the biggest muscle in the butt area, and the one accountable for making your butt pop.

While The gluteus medius is smaller and positioned higher up and towards the sides of your butt, and is attached to the ligaments in your hip joint.

Last is The gluteus minimum positioned underneath the gluteus maximus and it works with the gluteus mediums to help stabilize the hips.

If you want a backside that is strong, firm and shapely here are some workouts that would work magic on your butt.

1. Glute bridge:

How to do this workout:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Put your arms by your sides and palms flat on the ground.
  • Contract your abdominals and glue muscles, press your feet into the floor and lift your hips off the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  • Stay like that for 5 seconds, then slowly lower your body to the starting position.
  • Complete 2 to 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
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2. Hydrants Leg Extension:

How to do this workout:

  • Start by going down on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and wrists stacked over your shoulders.
  • With your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, lift your right leg out to hip height, then extend your raised leg straight out to the side.
  • Pause before you bend your knee again and bring your leg back to starting position to finish off one rep.
  • Complete 2 to 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

3. Jumping squats:

How to do this workout:

  • Stand in a squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.
  • Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to your knees. As you squat, move your arms out in front of you, palms together.
  • Stimulate yourself up and off the ground. Try to push your feet at least3 inches off the ground.
  • Broaden your arms to help with velocity.
  • Squat back down with soft, bent knees and repeat.
  • Complete 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

4. Hip Drive:

How to do this workout:

  • Sit on your knees with your legs together and your butt on your heels.
  • Squeeze your glutes to lift your butt and rise to a kneeling position.
  • Slowly lower your butt, keeping your glutes engaged.
  • Complete a 2 to 3 set of 20 repetitions.

5. Clamshells:

How to do this workout:

  • Lay down on your side, make sure your head, hips and heels are in one long position.
  • Put your elbow on the floor in front of you to stabilize your body and bend your knees in front of you.
  • Keep your feet glued together as you float your top knee up to your hip, then bring it down.
  • Complete 2 to 3 sets of 20 positions.The genetic component has a lot to do with the type of changes you will see while working out your dream butt. Some people may see significant changes within a week, continuous effort will yield results for you. Remember that everybody is different.
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Have fun while exercising regardless of what your butt goals are.


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