Home Lifestyle Tips on Good Parenting

Tips on Good Parenting

Responsible Parenting
Responsible Parenting

As adults raising children, there are things you have done in the past that you wish could be done differently. You can never be too sure about what you have done wrongly, but you must learn every day.

Source: The Parenting Junkie

Parenting as a team: Parents must support each other on the standard of authority for the family, spouses must unify to discipline the children. Parents should address marital issues and problems privately; there is no need for the children to infer.

Do not scream: The strict approach will affect your relationship with your children; you have to communicate firmly with a gentle voice. You do not have to shout or scream for your message to be clear.

When you speak firmly with your children, they understand and will carry out your instructions. Ensure that there are standards of behaviour, rules and obligations in your home, and whenever they are violated, there will be consequences and punishments.

Be Intentional:  Being Intentional about your role as a parent is the best strategy to build a healthy relationship with your child when you are involved in your child’s life, you create a safe and nurturing environment. Parents must be interested in their child’s lives by supporting and addressing issues together; this sends a clear message that your child matters.

Be an active listener: You must be an active listener for you to communicate effectively, you have to listen to your children for you to understand the information, expression and feelings; it is better to listen, understand and engage your children before taking any action base on the information you have heard do not assume when you have not engaged your child about the issue.

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Be a caregiver: Your child’s well being is your priority. Fix family time out of your busy schedule, prepare your family meal, go on family outings and always be available to your child’s needs.

Be friendly: As parents, you are not your child’s peer, but you need to be friends with your child while setting boundaries between both parties. It would create a bond and a long-lasting friendship between both parties.

Spiritual parenting: I do not believe that humans were created in isolation. Whatever we believe determines our heart and lifestyle. There is a need for spiritual discussions in your family; you don’t need to be obsessed about your religion but teach your children to have a spiritual guide in life; they learn some values from your religion.

Parenting is not an entitlement: When raising teenagers and young adults, they can feel entitled about what they want instead of what they need; you need to communicate what you can provide for their benefit and future. You do not have to be aggressive when communicating with them but let them understand that they need to be grateful because you can provide them with the things they take for granted.

Please encourage your children to be responsible, independent and accountable with their finances and lifestyle. Let them have a sense of self-direction to be successful, happy and independent as adults.

Be financially capable: We all agree that finance is essential in a family; you need a regular income to sustain your family. Also, you need to save money for rainy days and be financially prudent, so you have to spend with a budget or restrictions. Children need to learn that money does not grow from trees, even though you provide everything they need.

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