Home DIY How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Eggs

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Eggs

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Eggs
How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Eggs

Who doesn’t love healthy and shiny hair? The answer has been in your refrigerator all this while! Say hello to EGGS! Although the consumption of eggs through the mouth has special benefits for your hair, so does direct application to your hair.

SOURCE: Kayla Chandler

Who doesn’t love healthy and shiny hair? The nutrients in eggs (those gorgeous golden yolks, especially) are the same ones found in strong, glossy hair. And adding eggs to your beauty regimen can refresh even the most frazzled locks. 

  • Mix 2 to 3 whole eggs with 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice, which helps to reduce the “egg” scent of the mask.
  • Beat the mixture until it is frothy.
  • Apply to the hair by putting the egg mixture on the hands, and working it into the hair.
  • Cover the hair with a shower cap. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. During this time, the egg mixture will dry and feel sticky to the touch.
  • Rinse off the egg with cold or cool water. Rinsing with hot water can cause the egg to clump in the hair. While this is not a significant problem, it can require several washes to get the egg out.
  • Shampoo and condition the hair as normal.
  • Repeat the hair treatment once or twice a month.

In addition to using just egg yolks on the hair, some people suggest adding different ingredients to the egg yolk mixture to enhance shine and softness.

Examples include:

  • Banana: Start by peeling and mashing the bananas between your hands before putting them, along with the cracked egg, into a blender or bowl. Mix until the mixture has an even texture and consistently. Apply to your hair, paying special attention to your scalp and any split ends. Leave it in for 10 to 15 minutes before washing.
  • Honey: Mix well 2 tablespoons of natural honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and 1 egg. Place the finished mess for quite some time in a water bath as you warm. Brush your scalp and your hair and hold the mask as much as possible (within 1 hour) or at least 15 minutes.
  • Olive oil: To prepare an egg and olive oil mask, you need to take an egg and blend it well with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply it thoroughly on your hair and all through your scalp and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with cold water.
  • Coconut oil: Rub warm olive oil with eggs into the hair. Cover the hair with a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel. Leave on for 45 minutes and then shampoo the oil out of the hair.
  • Avocado: To make the mask, whisk the egg to a frothy liquid, stir in the coconut oil, and add the finely mixed avocado. When combined, apply the mask to towel dry hair from roots to ends. Cover with a plastic cap and let the mask sit for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 egg whites. Rub into the hair. Cover with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Shampoo the hair and rinse.

Congratulation! Your beautiful journey to having healthy and shiny hair has begun.


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