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How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

6 Natural Ways to get Rid of Whitehead's on the Nose
6 Natural Ways to get Rid of Whitehead's on the Nose

Whiteheads are a common problem. A whitehead develops when sebum, hair, and skin cells form a plug in the hair follicle and the PSU becomes clogged.

Bacteria that live on the skin’s outer layer or epidermis are attracted to the clogged pore and begin to grow.

The presence of bacteria draws immune cells to the pore, which causes inflammation. Whiteheads are enlarged hair follicles clogged with skin oils, cells, and bacteria. Whiteheads are also known as closed comedones and are the most basic kind of acne lesion.

Whiteheads are common but can be avoided with the right information. If you suffer from whiteheads, you can prevent them by using natural ingredients on your skin.

Try moisturizing your face with a facial cleanser that also contains tea tree oil or aloe vera. Both of these ingredients are known to help clear whiteheads up faster than using conventional methods.

6 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Whiteheads

1. Aloe vera
2. Honey
3. Oatmeal
4. Tea tree oil
5. Apple cider vinegar
6. Lemon juice


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