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How to Get Rid of Dark Knuckles

How to Get Rid of Dark Knuckles
How to Get Rid of Dark Knuckles

If you have dark knuckles on your fingers, it can be frustrating trying to find good treatment options.

Dark knuckles are a sign of a disrupted blood flow, which can be caused by a number of factors including genetics, poor circulation, and trauma.

Depending on how severe your dark knuckles are, you may require surgery or treatment from a medical professional. It could also be a result of bleaching.

Here are tips you can use to get rid of dark knuckles

1. Lemon juice is a wonderful natural remedy for getting rid of dark knuckles.
2. Apply moisturizer, sunscreen and shea butter
3. Milk cream
5. Oatmeal scrubs might help.
6. See a dermatologist if home treatments don’t work to lighten your knuckles.


Source: Amaka Tina

1. Lemon juice is a wonderful natural remedy for getting rid of dark knuckles.

Lemon juice is a simple yet effective home remedy for dark knuckles. This is because it contains natural oils that soften and moisturize the skin.

The juice also contains enough vitamin C to reenergize your skin, and it contains a natural antiseptic that will help to prevent infection.

A small amount of lemon juice rubbed on the affected area will help to remove dead skin cells, preventing infections from spreading and reducing your risk of getting a bacterial infection.

Mix a spoon of lemon juice with sugar and rub your hands vigorously for about ten minutes. Do this every night before going to bed.

The bleaching properties of lemon juice, together with the exfoliating properties of sugar would work wonders. Here is another method – apply the lemon juice to the affected area and leave it on for 30 minutes. Repeat as needed.

2. Apply moisturizer, sunscreen and shea butter:

Apply moisturizer and sunscreen every day. While moisturizers and sunscreen can’t lighten your skin, they can help maintain an even skin tone and prevent damage.

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When used in combination with other treatments, moisturizers and sunscreen can help keep your knuckles light and smooth. Sunscreen can also help prevent additional darkening.

How to Get Rid of Dark Knuckles
How to Get Rid of Dark Knuckles

Try to stay out of the sun or cover up as much as possible to help prevent your knuckles from darkening more.

The good news is that we have figured out a way to help you get rid of dark knuckles. Shea butter is the solution you’ve been seeking.

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Shea butter has properties that help even skin tone and moisturize the skin and will work well in reducing the darkness on your knuckles.

3. Milk cream

If your hands are dry and cracked, milk cream is the answer.

To get rid of dark knuckles, soak them in milk cream for 30 minutes.

Apply the cream with a cotton ball. The best way to get rid of dark knuckles is to soak them in milk cream.

Milk cream makes the skin smooth and moisturized, and its nutrients work effectively to lighten the skin. When used regularly, milk cream moisturizes the skin, making it look brighter.

Milk cream can be applied directly to the skin. You can apply it twice a day, morning and night. You can apply it all over the knuckles, but make sure not to apply it on the cuticles.

Apply this cream gently, and massage it into the skin. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

You can make a milk cream scrub by mixing it with oatmeal. Apply this scrub to the skin, and let it dry. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

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4. Oatmeal scrubs might help.

They are full of oats. That makes them good for scrubbing off dead skin. You can also try out raw potatoes.

6. See a dermatologist if home treatments don’t work to lighten your knuckles. The dark spots could be a sign of an underlying condition, or you might simply need a stronger lightning product.

Your dermatologist will be able to make a recommendation based on your case. Be sure to tell your doctor about any products that you have been using and any medicines you take.

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Ask if laser skin lightening treatment is right for you. Plastic surgeons can remove dark skin patches using laser treatment.

Laser treatment usually takes 30-60 minutes and the skin takes around 2 weeks to recover. Your doctor will offer anaesthetic during the procedure, but your skin may feel sore or sensitive afterwards.

NOTE: According to MedicalNewsToday, dark knuckles could be a result of an underlying illness. Dark patches of skin on the knuckles are common among people with darker skin tones. However, anyone can develop dark knuckles.

This symptom is usually harmless, but it can sometimes indicate an underlying health condition. That needs to be treated, such as diabetes.

Anyone at any age can develop dark knuckles. But they occur more frequently in people with darker skin pigmentation.

Some people may develop darkened knuckles because of a drug they’re taking. It could also be an important marker for vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Dark skin on the knuckles can be a sign of serious underlying conditions, such as diabetes or prediabetes. If you have one of these conditions, treating the illness can also get rid of dark knuckle skin.

Click here to see Cream for Dark Knuckles 


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