Home DIY How To Lighten Dark Knuckles And Toes

How To Lighten Dark Knuckles And Toes

How To Lighten Dark Knuckles And Toes
How To Lighten Dark Knuckles And Toes

People in Ghana, a country known for its lively culture and sunny scenery, get skin treatments for many reasons, such as to lighten their dark knuckles and toes. This is a reasonable goal since having different skin tones can make a person feel bad about themselves.

There are effective, cheap, and safe ways to deal with this problem, which is good news. Below, we talk about different ways to lighten dark fingers and toes, such as using natural remedies, putting creams on the skin, or going to a professional.

Natural Remedies

1.  Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is often used to lighten dark spots on the skin because it bleaches the skin. Putting on fresh lemon juice for 20 minutes every day and then moisturizing afterward can be helpful. People with sensitive skin, though, shouldn’t use it.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Fresh Lemons (1kg) 10 GH₵


2. Baking Soda
Baking soda can be used as a natural exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and lighten dark fingers and toes. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a little water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area, scrub for a few minutes, and then rinse.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Baking Soda (200g) 5 GH₵

Topical Creams

Dark fingers and toes can be lightened with over-the-counter creams that have ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, and retinoids. It’s important to use these creams lightly and follow the directions since too much use can irritate the skin or make it look even worse.

READ ALSO:  How To Lighten Dark Knuckles And Toes Naturally With Lemon

1. Hydroquinone Cream
Hydroquinone works by stopping your skin from making melanin, which makes your skin lighter.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Hydroquinone Cream (30g) 70 GH₵


2. Kojic Acid Cream
Kojic acid also stops the body from making melanin. It is usually less irritating than hydroquinone, but it may take longer to see effects.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Kojic Acid Cream (30g) 70 GH₵


3. Retinoid Cream
Retinoids speed up the turnover of skin cells, which helps get rid of old, dark skin cells and encourages the growth of new, lighter skin.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Retinoid Cream (30g) 85 GH₵

Professional Treatments

If natural cures and topical creams don’t work, professional treatments might be a good choice. They cost more, but they usually work faster and are easier to see. Before trying any of these methods, you should talk to a dermatologist.

1. Chemical Peels: Acids are used in chemical peels to get rid of the dark layer of skin. The treatment might make your skin red and sensitive for a short time.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Chemical Peel (Per Session) 450 GH₵


2. Laser Therapy
Laser treatment can find the darkened skin cells and break them down without hurting the lighter skin. Most of the time, you need more than one session to get the best benefits.

Item Approximate Cost in Cedis
Laser Therapy (Per Session) 600 GH₵


Tips for Prevention

Always, prevention is better than treatment. Don’t spend too much time in the sun, keep your skin wet, and drink a lot of water in order to keep healthy skin. Also, don’t use harsh skin bleaching methods because they can hurt your skin and make it get darker over time.

READ ALSO:  How To Get Rid of Dark Knuckles Fast And Permanently

 Bottom Line

Take care of your skin’s health, whether you choose natural solutions, creams you put on your skin, or treatments from a professional. Before you start any treatment, you should talk to a doctor to find out why your skin is getting darker.

You can lighten your dark fingers and toes if you are patient and take good care of them. This will help you feel better about showing your hands and feet again.


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