Home Lifestyle Natural Ways to Get Curvy Hips

Natural Ways to Get Curvy Hips

Curvy Hips

Curves are the default image we generally have when we think of women. We define femininity as soft, curvy, complete, and luscious. While some naturally have the perfect curve (figure eight or hourglass figure – large breasts, buttocks, hips, and a comparatively small waist), others strive to increase their breast size, buttocks, or hips. Why? We have found the reasons for that. 

  • Boost self-confidence
  • Accomplish confident fashion choices and societal appreciation
  • The mentality that men appreciate curvy women more.
  • African culture has imprinted in our minds that the curvier and thicker a woman is, the healthier and stronger she is to bear children.

Some women resort to surgery to achieve this, while others who can’t afford it or lack the courage to go under the knife resort to herbs and drugs; some even buy “rubber hips” they wear to create that illusion.

You are probably wondering if it is possible to get curvy hips without doing all that; yes, it is. If you can do the work, you can get it, which may also improve your overall health. Whatever your choice, a waist-to-hip ratio shouldn’t be over-proportioned.


1. Exercise: Did you cringe? You shouldn’t. Before we get into the type of exercise that will improve those narrow hips, it is essential to know that exercise helps release the endorphin “feel good” hormones which make you feel positive and relaxed. It is suitable for the heart and keeps you alert and agile all day. 

What type of exercises should you do? 

Source: Roberta’s Gym

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Do exercises that target your hips and derrieres, like squats, side lunges with dumbbells, side leg lifts, glute bridges, and lunges.

2. Change your diet: Hips enlargement foods such as eggs are a powerful source of protein essential for building muscle tissues. 

  • Potatoes are root vegetables; they are high in carbs, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, folate, fiber, and protein. They also contain antioxidants and reduce blood sugar. Reaping all of these benefits depends on how you prepare them. For instance, peeling potatoes can significantly reduce the number of vitamins and minerals you’ll get from them. The best way to take your potatoes without adding fats is to cook them with skin or bake them. 
  • Oatmeal; plain rolled or steel-cut oatmeal is excellent. Cook them in little water or milk and add healthy toppings like bananas, berries, apples, or avocados. 
  • Fish oil (contains omega-3 fatty acids) from eating fish or a good fish oil supplement.
  • Dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese), 
  • Beans, bananas, meat, seafood, and peanut butter are all great for getting curvy hips. Working out with these foods in your diet will give you great results.

3. Create an illusion with your clothes and dress according to your body type. Flared skirts, palazzos, free-flowing gowns, and pleats favor narrow-waisted women. Just choose the right colors for your skin, the right size, and the right accessories. 

4. Childbirth: This is not to say that you should get knocked up to curvier. In many cases, the curves women get when pregnant may remain even after childbirth or reduce a little bit. Some women always go back to pre-pregnancy size. It’s just body type.

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5. Sit on your derriere: Yes, sit on your butt; researchers have found that a significant amount of fat deposits on your butt and hips from too much sitting. But we wouldn’t want you to sit all day. Would we?

It is, therefore, essential to know that your body will only grow according to your genes and bone size. Any hip size you gain in your quest may not necessarily be just as you want, but it will suit you. We come in different shapes and sizes; love your package and have peace. 


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