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Safety Tips in the Kitchen

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Safety Tips in the Kitchen

The kitchen, well asides from the garage has loads of dangerous equipment. It is all good if everything is functioning well and clean. Only a simple spillage or mishandling can cause a hell of problems.

Now in Kitchen– Basic kitchen safety tips

1. Never leave your cooking unattended; we do not want you forgetting you were cooking in the first place

2. Wearing loose clothing should never be an option. This could drag pot handles off or even get caught in the fire.

3. Do not cook or eat hot food while carrying a child.

4. Keep all lighters, matches out of reach of children.

5. Use containers designed for microwave use in your microwave oven to prevent melting and the possibility of a fire.

6. Identify the source of a fire and douse it from there first. Panicking will not allow you to be proactive. So why not just call the emergency numbers and do what you can. Once fire escalates beyond your control, it is best to leave the house.

7. Never smoke in the kitchen or near flammables

8. Never use flammable cleaning agents to clean grease or spills in the kitchen. The best option is to clean every spill immediately with soap and water.

9. Clean your oven and oven tops regularly an accumulation of grease can ignite quickly.

10. Use grills outside, far away from the house

12. Your fire extinguisher should be your best equipment in the kitchen and teaching everyone in the house to use it would not hurt at all.

13. Ensure to supervise children in the kitchen

14. Steam is as dangerous as fire itself. Do not try to open pot lids, hot water-filled kettles with bare hands.

Ladies having a burn can be very painful and immediately it happens, the first reflex might be to rub or scratch with your palm. Instead, do the following

kitchen safety rules

  • Remove every ring of jewellery from the area of the burn
  • Remove every wet cloth as well from the area of the burn
  • Run cool water down the area to slow down burning
  • Avoid using ice which could make the burn worse
  • Seek immediate medical attention.

We hope you find these tips helpful and do share your kitchen experience with us. Ciao


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