Home Health and Wellness Can Banana Help Me Loss Weight?

Can Banana Help Me Loss Weight?

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Can Banana Help For Weight Loss

Bananas are one of the most common fruits worldwide. They contain vital nutrients that can have a protecting impact on our health. They are available year-round, unlike some fruits which are not.

It’s an excellent source of fibre. A medium banana contains about 3.07 grams (g) of fibre, and the recommended daily intake for adults is 25g for those on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Note. eating bananas cannot directly lead to weight loss, but some of the properties may help a person reduce bloating, control their appetite, and replace processed sugars. Read more about eating bananas for weight loss in this article.

Research shows that there is a link between higher fibre intakes and lower body weights. This nutrient may also help reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Fibre helps us feel full for longer, which may reduce the total number of calories that we eat. The body takes a long time to digest certain fibres, allowing it to regulate food intake better.

Some Shakes And Smoothies For Your Pre And Post Workout Session 

Have banana in controlled portions, it would help you lose weight too. We have some amazing banana shakes for you! It has always been stereotyped to be a weight-gaining fruit. But the fact is that it may help you lose weight if taken with a well-balanced meal. 

It contains 0% fat, and it is enriched with good carbs, fibre and protein that helps strengthen muscles and bones. According to the book, ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publishing House, banana contains both “quick-release glucose and slow-release fructose” both of which supply energy 

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How Banana Helps You Lose Weight 

Eating only a 5-inch banana a day helps lose weight. Also, it should be ideally eaten as a pre or post-workout meal, as it will build up stamina and will assist the body recover after rigorous physical activity. Meanwhile, if you want to lose weight, instead of giving it up completely, have in limited portion.

Some Banana Shakes And Smoothies For A Complete Meal

1. Banana Walnut Smoothie:

One of the most popular selections for a healthy breakfast, this smoothie is a perfect blend of health and taste. Have it as your first meal or as a mid-day treat, this drink fills you up to the fullest. Check below for the recipe.

The Ingredients

1 cup low-fat yoghurt
1/2 Banana
3-4 Walnuts
1 tsp seeds (mix of flax seeds and chia seeds)
1-2 tsp honey

How to Make Banana Walnut Smoothie
1. In a food processor, pour yoghurt, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, honey and bananas.
2. Blend it until smooth and creamy.
3. Transfer into a cup and add your chopped walnuts before serving.

2. Banana Date Shake:

This is enriched with antioxidants, irons, potassium and several essential minerals, this drink contains no sugar. Dates add natural sugar to the drink. This particular recipe includes almond milk, but you can replace it with normal cow milk. 

1/4 cup dates
1 medium banana
3/4 cup almond milk
How to Make it
Chop the banana and dates into small pieces and put in a blender with almond milk.
Blend all the ingredients until a thick liquid consistency is reached.

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3. Banana Mixed Berry Smoothie:

For those that enjoy having colourful food, this drink is a treat to the eyes! It is a yummy mix of banana, yoghurt and healthy berries. You should give this a try. 

Ingredients Of Mixed Berry & Banana Smoothie
1 cup of frozen mixed berries
1 Frozen ripe banana
1/2 cup low-fat yoghurt
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 tsp cinnamon
How to Make it
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Bottom line

Bananas do not specifically affect weight loss, they do have properties that can help a person manage their body weight, such as high fibre content.

Unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which can help make people feel fuller longer. This satiety may help weight loss by reducing the tendency to overeat.

People looking to lose weight should also consider how many calories they are taking in compared with the number of calories that they are burning.


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