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5 Signs You Are In A Situationship

5 Signs You Are In A Situationship
5 Signs You Are In A Situationship5 Signs You Are In A Situationship

Situationship and Friends with a benefit are two different things. A situationship lacks definition; you have no relationship, just a perpetual feeling of emptiness and nothing to offer, while a friends-with-benefits relationship, in which both partners are aware that they are only on a platonic level and that sex is simply part of the package.

When you’re in an FWB relationship, you know your boundaries, what’s acceptable, and what might cause the relationship to end.

A situationship is a romantic relationship that exists before or after the defining of the relationship discussion.

How do you know when you are in a Situationship with someone and how best to get out of it?

Source: Samira Rufai

Situationship Meaning

You haven’t defined the relationship. 

You might be in a situationship if you haven’t put a label on your relationship. Perhaps you’re just hanging out or taking things slow. Maybe it’s too soon to have a talk about where you’re headed, or one person isn’t ready to commit to a relationship.

 They Are Involved With Someone else or Several other.

 When you discover they are involved with other people or someone else, it is a big giveaway that they are either not serious with you and you are in a situationshisituationship with them, or they are just a bloody cheat.

Also, in a situationship, communication isn’t always good. There is hardly any communication between you two, so you might find out that they are not committed to you through a mutual friend, or from social media, or even by going through their phone.

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A Lack of Preparation 

Due to a lack of commitment, attempts to make plans in advance are usually met with uncertain responses. Connections are frequently made on the spur of the moment, based on having sex or “hanging out.” There may be a sense that dates are opportunistic and occur because one or both partners are bored.

No Consistency

It’s a sign that you’re in a situationship if you’ve been seeing someone for a long time but don’t know when you’ll hear from them or see them next.

You should be able to rely on your partner to respond to your texts, participate in planned activities, and make time in their schedules to see you in a relationship.

If your current partner lacks this quality, you are most likely not in a serious relationship. Their level of investment in the relationship can also affect their consistency.

No Deep Connection

The majority of the time, people in situationships do not have a strong emotional bond. You’re in a situationship, not a relationship, if you’re mostly just a hookup or a booty call for someone and they avoid any serious conversation.

As you get to know each other in the early stages of a relationship, the connection can feel superficial. The difference is that in a relationship, you get past this stage, whereas in a situationship, you never get past it.

How to end a situationship

When it comes to ending a situationship, honesty is the best policy. If it’s not working out, stand up for yourself and tell your partner you’re leaving.

It’s always a good idea to get things straight early on in a relationship. If you haven’t already done so and find yourself in the midst of a situationship’s uncertainty, it’s never too late to ask the “what are we?” question.

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It’s far preferable to know you’re not wanted than to be suspended in a cloud of possibilities that could lead to heartbreak.


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