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Tag: Female health

A female’s overall health is more complicated than that of a male. Because female health is more prone to problems than male health, women require more health care and use the health-care system than men. A well-balanced diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet is essential for a woman’s health in addition to weight loss and maintenance. Females face unique health challenges. Furthermore, some health issues that affect both men and women can affect women differently. Pregnancy, breast cancer, menopause, and other unique issues

Why You Need to Detox

Naturally, the liver is the organ in the body responsible for detoxification. Still does not mean less care should be given to the body...

Learn How To Get Rid Of Dark Eye Circle

Dark eye circles are not harmful to us but many people seek ways to get rid of them because they make them feel uncomfortable. Dark...

How To Get Rid Of Self-Harm Habits

Self-harm describes any behaviour where someone causes harm to themselves. According to, usually, behaviour is a way to help cope with difficult or...

Dealing With Menstrual Cramps

Over half of the feminine population experience menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrheal) are quivering or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. A lot of...

How to Tightening Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Depending on how much weight is lost, determines the extent of loose skin which might be pronounced or not. However, major weight loss, gets...

Polycystic Ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common in women of childbearing age. The key hormones altered in PCOS are progesterone, androgens, and insulin. Progesterone...

Fertility Diet You Should Know About

Fertility decreases with age in women. The peak reproductive years for women is between their late teens and late 20s. Not that women above...

What You Should Know About Fibroids

Fibroids are noncancerous tumours, they grow on the wall of the uterus, they may appear within the organ or on the outer surface. Some...

Let’s Talk Excess Belly Fat

Hmmm…. Some of us cannot wear body con now, without sucking in all the air in our lungs just to take a very fine...

Implants vs IUD for Birth Control.

Hormonal implants and IUDs are alternative birth control options asides from pills, condoms, and withdrawal methods which should never be considered an option at...

Foods that are Bad for the Liver

Red Alert: Foods that are Bad for your Liver Taking too much alcohol is bad for your liver. In the long run, it leads to...

Stop Doing These During Your Period

Avoid These During Your Period1. Avoid loading yourself with salty, spicy food and food that cause constipation2. Avoid getting dehydrated and overworking yourself3. Avoid...

Breastfeeding – Expressing Your Breast Milk and Storage

Every nursing mother has her own reasons for wanting to express milk. The biggest advantage is that your baby can benefit from your milk...

Why You Should Hit the Gym Today

You have made gym visit a priority in your new year resolutions, and this is the second half of the second month already. Why...

What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

Endometrial tissues are found inside the uterus to prepare the lining of the uterus (endometrium) for ovulation. They consist of glands, connective tissue and blood...

Different Sleeping Patterns

Guys!!!! some working conditions will make your sleeping pattern abnormal o. Then someone will ask you about your work schedule and you say nine...