Home Health and Wellness Infections you can contract from a Salon

Infections you can contract from a Salon

Infections you can contract from a Salon
Infections you can contract from a Salon

The barbing salon isn’t for males only, it receives the patronage of females too. Depending on your preferred style, you might visit bi-monthly, monthly, etc. 

Germs are everywhere, don’t lose your guard when you visit a barbershop, you might return with unwanted ‘guests’. There are also some precautionary steps to take for prevention.

The following are the likely infections you could contract from a barber’s salon.

1. Barber’s itch

“Barber’s itch is a form of folliculitis that develops in the beard area or scalp after you are infected from an unsterilized instrument,” says Joshua Zeichner, MD, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in the United States told Menshealth. “Bacteria invade the hair follicles, leading to red bumps and pus pimples that may be itchy.”

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According to Dr Zeichner, a barber’s itch occurs when the bacteria invade the hair follicles, leading to red bumps and pus pimples that may be itchy.

“If you have ever seen your barber dip their comb or a razor in a liquid solution, that is a good sign that they are properly sterilizing their tools. If they don’t, you can get the barber’s itch,” he said.

2. Impetigo

Zeichner described impetigo as a bacterial infection that is caused mainly by staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria.

He said, “While it is more common among younger children, you can get it at pretty much any age, and it is most commonly spread via skin-to-skin contact, clothing, or towels (something to keep in mind if you’re getting your hair washed at a barber’s).

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“Patients develop yellow or honey-colored crusts (on their skin). It is important to treat because it is highly contagious. Fortunately, it is usually easily treatable with a topical antibiotic ointment.”

3. Tinea capitis

According to Zeichner, tinea capitis is a fungal infection of the scalp that can take the shape of ringworm (red patch with scale around the perimeter) or it can look like a red flakey itchy patch.

He said, “At the barber’s, tinea capitis can spread via poorly sanitized combs or towels and in severe cases, it can lead to permanent scarring and hair loss.

“Tinea capitis often needs to be treated with an oral antifungal medication. The fungus penetrates deep into the hair follicles, so it may be difficult to treat with topical medications alone.”

4. Lice

Less I forget, lice can be brutal easily communicated through combs, scissors, towels, and other shared hair tools. Itching is a common symptom. 

5. Tetanus

I used to think that tetanus can only affect from underneath until I read this from the doctor; “Many people often think one can get tetanus only from bacteria in the soil, but it can also be acquired from unclean rusted instruments,” he said.

According to Zeichner, tetanus is a bacterial infection that usually occurs after breaks in the skin. 

Tips on staying safe from salon infections

Tell your barber to sanitize their tools

Did you know the name of the blue liquid that some barbers dip combs in? It is called barbicide and it is essential for disinfecting tools. It is a disinfectant solution used by barbers and cosmetologists for sanitizing grooming tools such as combs and hair-cutting shears.

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According to Zeichner, the active ingredient in barbicide is called alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, which is an effective element for killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

He advised ensuring that all the instruments at a barbers’ are dipped into the solution before being used on one.

He said, “Some salons, spas, and barbers’ may also have autoclaves or machines that sterilize instruments using high-pressure steam.

“Don’t be shy about asking if the straight blades are autoclaved or if they use an individual new blade each time – especially if you’re getting a shave.”


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