Home Health and Wellness How to Stop Spitting while Pregnant

How to Stop Spitting while Pregnant

How to Stop Spitting while Pregnant
How to Stop Spitting while Pregnant

Are you excessively producing saliva during your pregnancy? Well that is totally normal and nothing to be embarrassed over. It can be pretty difficult, though, knowing that people are watching you while you spit out in public, but it is all a part of pregnancy.

Spitting during pregnancy occurs due to the surge of hormones in your especially during your first trimester. Apart from your hormones, nausea and morning sickness contribute to the urge to spit.

Source: Early Resolution

Literally, spitting cannot be helped. However, there are a number of ways you can try to prevent or reduce the number of times you spit out and you do not have to go looking for those answers because this article has got your back. 

How to stop spitting while pregnant

You will not be able to get rid of your spitting problem totally, but there are ways to relieve it:

1. Drink lots of water: Your saliva works overtime to keep your mouth hydrated when it is dry. Instead of having a mouth full of saliva, try keeping your mouth hydrated with water. You could keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Take little sips throughout the day; you will find that you have less of an urge to spit. 

2. Swallowing: This may sound gross, especially if your spitting is caused by nausea, but it is one way to keep spitting out at bay. Instead of bringing it out, take it back in. 

3. Suck on ginger and lemon wedges: Sucking on something sour can help stimulate your salivary glands and reduce saliva. As a bonus, this can help to relieve nausea as well.

4. Chewing on sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free mint: This increases saliva swallowing and reduces your urge to spit it out. Plus, sucking on mints is totally healthy as mints are packed with useful vitamins.

5. Brush your teeth after eating: brushing your teeth not only keeps your teeth and gums clean, it reduces the amount of saliva in your mouth. This should be done after every meal to prevent spitting. It also relieves nausea and vomiting. 

6. Use a minty mouthwash: If you do not feel like sucking on the real stuff, you could gargle on a minty mouthwash a few times a day. 

7. Eat small, non-starchy foods throughout the day.

8. Try some calming exercises: Sometimes you want to spit because you keep thinking about it. If you could relax, try a breathing exercise and remove your mind from the urge to spit, it may help. 

9. spit it out: Spitting is part of pregnancy, and it tends to die down after the first trimester. If you cannot handle any of the other tips, spit it out. You can carry a small tissue with you at all times and spit into it. There is nothing wrong with it. After all, it is not your fault; you are just pregnant. 

Spitting is a normal symptom of pregnancy, and it occurs especially during the first trimester. 


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