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    How to Stop Cats from Eating Plants

    How to Stop Cats from Eating Plants
    How to Stop Cats from Eating Plants

    Cats are curious and notorious troublemakers. They get into everything, and because they assume everything they see belongs to them, they will rip things up without hesitation. This can sometimes involve your houseplants. Your cat may tear your plants apart or gnaw on the leaves; either way, it is not something you want to watch.

     Aside from the apparent mess and damage to your plants, this activity might be dangerous to your cat. Many plants are hazardous to cats, and you may be unaware that one of your houseplants is poisonous until your cat bites on one of its leaves!

    Source: Olive Branch

     We will go over several methods you may employ to keep your cat from eating plants.

     Make Your Cat Stay Away

    Simple disciplinary training can sometimes solve all of your plant-cat issues. Cats are household pets that may be trained to change or enhance their behavior.  

    You may train your cat by rewarding good behavior and punishing poor conduct with goodies. Nonetheless, the penalty may encourage them to resume the behavior secretly or when you are not around.

    As a result, you may educate your cat to avoid your plants using food and compassion. It may take some time, but after your cat is taught, you will be pleased you put out the effort.

    Make Your Plants Stink (To Your Cat)

    Cats are susceptible to scent. Making your plants smell unpleasant is one of the simplest methods to deter them from eating, digging, or otherwise meddling with them. There are various natural methods for accomplishing this: Cats dislike the scent of citrus, so try tossing a lemon peel or two into the soil of your plants (but avoid using vital citrus oils, which may be harmful). You may also scatter cayenne pepper around a plant; one sniff and your cat will be scared to death. 

    Keep your cats and plants apart.

    It may be simpler to keep your cats out of certain rooms than it is to tell them not to ruin your plants. In fact, many cat owners do have cat-free zones in their houses. Plants may be protected from feline claws and teeth by keeping them in areas where your cats are not permitted.

    Spray the Leaves Of Your Plant

    Over-the-counter pet sprays made expressly to keep pets away from plants are pretty easy to find. They are produced with non-toxic components, but it is always a good idea to see your doctor before exposing your cat to any OTC drug. You may also combine 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water and spray straight on your plant’s leaves. Your cat will not be enticed to eat it; the combination will not harm your plants! 

    Put Noisy Equipment 

    Cats are sly animals who usually do their mischief quietly or in secrecy. You may have discovered your plant in a dangerous scenario in the absence of sound. Using sound to your advantage is one of the creative methods to keep your cat away from your plants. 

     Place several empty cans or other tools around your plant that produce the most significant noise when touched or moved. You may set up some wind chimes made of light metal stuff to scare the cats away with a single mild breeze. You can even frighten them away by installing a noisy toy. 

     If you are oblivious, it might be tough to prevent your cat from biting the leaves of your favorite plant. By following the guidelines and tips we have provided, you will be able to cultivate healthy plants in your house with a pet.


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