Home DIY How to Make Onion Juice for Beard Growth

How to Make Onion Juice for Beard Growth

How to Make Onion Juice for Beard Growth
How to Make Onion Juice for Beard Growth

It is okay to use onion on beards. It has no adverse effects on the face and aids in beard growth stimulation. Generally speaking, we advise against using chemicals or other artificial methods to develop your beard and instead use natural methods like onion juice. Onions are widely available, affordable, and safe to consume.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Onion Juice

To hydrate and nourish parched hair

Onion juice moisturizes and fortifies your dry, brittle hair because it contains various nutrients. Its flavonoid, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant qualities improve the blood flow to the roots of hair.


It helps to prevent wrinkles. 

Onion juice’s flavonoids and other antioxidants may stave off the symptoms of early aging. Onion juice’s sulfur concentration may also contribute to its supposed anti-aging qualities. Some sources say sulfur can increase collagen formation and prevent premature aging.

Eliminate dandruff

The most prevalent and bothersome issue is dandruff. Bacterial and fungal infections can occasionally coexist as the cause of dandruff. The skin on your scalp may become dry and irritated due to dandruff. The anti-fungal and anti-microbial qualities of onion juice can eliminate dandruff.

It helps to boost immunity.

Selenium, a vitamin found in onions, may strengthen immunity. Additionally, immunological cells with low selenium levels are more susceptible to oxidation. Additionally, these cells have trouble transferring calcium and generating protein. People who suffer from respiratory conditions like asthma may also find relief from onion juice. 

It provides Antioxidants for the body.

Antioxidants combat free radical molecules, preventing cell harm. When the body is exposed to radiation or tobacco smoke, free radicals are created. Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer can all be brought on by these chemicals. Eating onions can strengthen your body’s defenses against free radical damage and enhance your well-being.

Step-by-step process to make onion juice for beard growth.

It is easy to make onion juice for possible beard development. This is a basic how-to:

1. Peel and Chop Onions: Finely chop one or two onions after peeling them.

2. Blend or Grind: Use a blender or a grinder to make a paste out of the chopped onions.

3. Extract Juice: To extract the juice, put the onion paste in a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth and squeeze. If one is available, you can also use a juicer.

4. Optional Additions: Some people mix in a small amount of water with the onion paste before straining to make the juice less concentrated. Add a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender or rosemary, for an improved scent.

5. Application: Using your fingertips or a cotton ball, apply the onion juice directly to your beard area.

6. Leave On: Give your beard 15 to 30 minutes to absorb the onion juice.

7. Rinse Off: Wash your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser to remove the onion fragrance.

8. Moisturise: Use a moisturizer after washing to hydrate your skin.


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