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How To Handle your Stingy Partner

How To Handle your Stingy Partner
How To Handle your Stingy Partner

People usually say that giving is an expression of love, so what happens when one partner doesn’t like giving at all.

Couples like to give and accept gifts from one another, this is their way of showing that they love and value one another, this is a dynamic that happens in a well-established relationship.

No relationship can thrive without sharing, and sharing is more than just what you can see or touch.

Each partner needs to be able to give one another a complementary amount of respect, attention, love and of course plenty of material things a much as they can afford.

If you are in a relationship with some who doesn’t like to share, particularly when it comes to material things, and you feel so uncomfortable about this attitude then you have the right to be upset and overreact.

Source: Galaxy TV

Here are four things you can do to get your partner to share more.

1. Talk to them: The best thing to do in a situation like this is to talk to your partner and understand the cause of this. Some persons are inherently cheap and there is nothing you can do to change them.

But there are only a few of this set of people. You need to understand why they are like this, why they don’t like spending etc.

There are reasons for every action and inactions we make as humans, so your partner chosen not to share might be for a reason best known to them and the only way to what it is is by talking to them.

The reason behind the stringy behaviour maybe because they believe if they spend less they can save more. Other than nagging and complaining try to understand and reason with them.

2. Buy them gifts: Giving your stringy partner a gift without doing any occasion will make them always try to reciprocate the gesture. They might not be used to receiving a gift from people, meaning it’s not a norm to them.

If you continue to buy things for them, they would eventually learn to do the same out of shame, guilt or just showing that they understand and are willing to make comprises for you.

3. Make your own money: You don’t want to be that girl that depends on people before she can get anything for herself, that expect her partner to take care of all her expenses.

Instead, you should be that girl that has a decent way of earning her own money. As a woman, making your own money give you an edge, you can afford anything you like and want for your extremely important self. You are both in the relationship together, so didn’t be a parasite rather be a partner.

4. Tell him about your needs.: The reason why some guys Don’t spend it is that they believe that you don’t have any financial needs

They think that if you don’t ask for it, then it means you don’t need it. Even though you work, you should learn to inform him of all your needs. Let him understand your needs and if it’s urgent also inform him so he can do the necessary things.


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