Home Health and Wellness Home Remedies For Dry Itchy Throat 

Home Remedies For Dry Itchy Throat 

Home Remedies For Dry Itchy Throat 
Home Remedies For Dry Itchy Throat 

Throat aches are frequently indicative of allergies and illnesses. Some remedies include honey, hot beverages, salt water gargles, allergy drugs, and cold treatments. Some causes of this itchy throat include dehydration, viral infections, smoke or acid reflux, etc. 

Home remedies for itchy throat may include; 


Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, may have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, it might help with several ailments, such as a dry cough.

Source: Medinaz

When curcumin is taken with black pepper, it is better absorbed into the bloodstream. One teaspoon of turmeric and one-eighth teaspoon of black pepper can be added to a drink, like cold orange juice. It can also be prepared as a heated tea.


Gargles with salt water work best for sore or scratchy throats from viruses or bacteria. Mix one cup or 240 milliliters of warm water with half a teaspoon of salt, then gargle with the saltwater solution multiple times daily. The heat and the salt may help soothe your sore throat and lessen mucus accumulation.

Eat Dark Chocolate 

Theobromine, a chemical found in dark chocolate, inhibits coughing more effectively than regular codeine syrup. This compound can also be present in tea, which may aid with cough prevention.

Take Lemon Drink

You can drink lemon juice and warm water multiple times a day or as needed. Lemon juice, like saltwater and honey, can help break up mucus and relieve pain, making it beneficial for dry throats. Lemon juice also contains a lot of vitamin C, which can strengthen your immune system and help it fight off infections.


Menthol, an ingredient in peppermint, helps numb throat nerve endings that irritate when you cough. This might lessen the need to cough and relieve pain. Not only does peppermint aid with congestion, but studies have shown that it also possesses antiviral and antibacterial properties.

There are several methods for using peppermint. These include sucking on peppermint lozenges or sipping peppermint tea. If you cough at night, try consuming peppermint tea straight before bed.


A humidifier can be helpful if dry air or allergies are the cause of your itchy throat. Elevating the humidity level in the atmosphere prevents excessive drying out of your throat during breathing. Additionally, it helps prevent mucus from drying out and irritating the back of your throat, which can lead to coughing or itching. For comparable effects, a hot, steamy shower is another option.

Hot tea or soup

Maintaining your hydration is essential to helping your body recuperate. By keeping your mucous membranes clear, you can avoid uncomfortable buildup in your throat by drinking lots of liquids. Drinking something warm but not too hot is a simple method to stay hydrated and possibly soothe your throat.


There may be an underlying explanation for a dry throat, most likely a related medical problem. To effectively treat dry throat, it is critical to identify its source. Several basic kitchen materials are needed for at-home cures to help relieve a dry throat. 

However, you should get medical attention immediately if your symptoms worsen or you experience any other health issues.


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