Home Lifestyle Why You Should Stop Skipping Breakfast

Why You Should Stop Skipping Breakfast

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Stop Skipping Breakfast

Breakfast is actually the most important meal for everyone in the day. I guess you are tired of hearing about how it is the most important meal of the day?

This statement may seem like a cliché but is the best advice that is probably not going to stop until almost all of us start eating our daily morning meals.

Most men between the ages of 25-54 are known to be breakfast skippers, unlike women, though there have been more shreds of evidence that suggest that breakfast is a meal not-to-be-skipped, it is overwhelming for people to disregard the health benefit of it.

Here are some of the possible health risks that will cause you when you keep skipping breakfast;

Diabetes: Skipping breakfast may increase a woman’s diabetes risk. People who skip this may have a bent to eat more at other meals during the day.

Eating in the morning can help curb portion control at lunch and dinner and help keep blood sugar energy levels balanced. That’s why consuming breakfast is often a useful strategy for losing weight or promoting weight management.

Heart Disease: Eating breakfast helps lower heart disease in men, skipping it will result in hypertension, insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar levels.

Memory: This may trigger a migraine, eating breakfast awakens your brain and improve cognitive function related to memory and test grades especially for children.

Weight gain: Because many who skip breakfast eat more at lunch and dinner, this may result in excessive weight gain.


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If you are having a hard time adjusting breakfast into your daily routine, you should slow down and think about your health and well being.

With the aforementioned risk, you might want to re-arrange your schedule and work harder to have a healthy breakfast every morning.

Then, if you’re wondering about what to eat at this particular stage, aim to eat a meal that includes fibre, fats, carbohydrates, and protein.

If you prefer a more modest meal in the morning, shakes, smoothies, yoghurt, fruit, and oatmeal are good options


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