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Saliva as a Lubricant

Saliva as a Lubricant
Saliva as a Lubricant

Saliva As Lubricant During Sex

When you require lubrication, saliva is constantly available and may appear like a safe alternative to your natural lubrication or store-bought lubricant.

However, suppose you or your partner don’t have any lubricants. In that case, there are a few reasons why saliva is not recommended as an acceptable substitute to use during vaginal or anal sex.

Saliva Can Transmit STI

The possibility of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) spreading between partners can rise when saliva is used. According to Dr. Gersh, saliva can spread any STI found in the mouth or throat to the genitalia.

In other words, using your partner’s saliva for lubrication could cause you to contract genital herpes if you have an active herpes lesion.

This scenario occurs more frequently than you might imagine, and, according to Dr. Gersh, it’s the most typical way genital herpes is acquired. The virus can still spread even if you cannot see a cold sore in their mouth or the vicinity. Dr. Gersh continued, “Herpes can present with blisters or sores, but it can also present asymptomatically.”

There’s a Chance of Vaginal Infection

According to Dr. Gersh, “the bacteria in your vagina are substantially different from the microorganisms in your saliva.” Digestive enzymes that break down food are also present in saliva.

According to Dr. Gersh, introducing these bacteria and enzymes into your vagina can disrupt the microbiome, making you more likely to have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.

Both treatable illnesses arise when the ordinary yeast and bacterial balance in the vagina are upset. According to Dr. Gersh, “using saliva as lubrication produces a perfect storm to modify the vaginal environment sufficiently to initiate one of these illnesses.”

Saliva Lacks the Properties of a Lubricant

Saliva is still not recommended even if the possibility of acquiring an STI or vaginal infection is eliminated. Dr. Gersh states, “It has no inherent properties that would make it a good lubricant.” It is irritable, evaporates and dries more quickly, and lacks the smooth consistency of other materials.

Contrarily, personal lubricants are made to produce a slickness extremely comparable to the lubrication your body naturally creates. According to Dr. Gersh, lubricity produces a “glide” feeling that aids in reducing friction.

Friction can result in little tears or nicks in the vagina or the anus, which can be uncomfortable and may also let dangerous bacteria enter the body, which you don’t want.

In conclusion, Dr. Gersh counseled that “99.9% of people have certainly used spit as lubrication with a partner at some point, but it is not the greatest or safest choice.” So, to be ready whenever the mood hits, stock up on water- or silicone-based personal lubricants.


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