Home Relationship How To Keep Your Man In A Relationship

How To Keep Your Man In A Relationship

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Being in a relationship with the man of your dream is one of the most wonderful feelings you could ever get as a woman. Then the next question pops up; how do I maintain this relationship, some dating tips, relationship advice etc. on how to keep things moving, how do I make him happy always.

Hey girls, you all think about this daily, some even read books or rely on movies to teach you how to please a man. But in real life, love’s not really like that. Making a man happy can be as simple as you can never imagine.

Men also want love as badly as you do, although they might not just always show it. But generally, they want the same thing as you: friendship, companionship, attention, etc.

So why are there one-sided worries and anxiety about keeping your man if both of you want the same thing? Ladies think about this. (Let him also start thinking about how to keep you) Oh yeah!

Let’s examine some tips on how to keep things real in your relationship. 

1. Define our relationship. Although it doesn’t happen so early in relationships. You need to know where your relationship is heading; you need to know if this is all just for sex, for the money, for the time being, or whatsoever. Unrealistic relationship expectations can be disastrous.

2. You need to love yourself. If you can’t love yourself, you won’t believe that you are worthy of others’ love. And if you don’t believe you’re worthy of others’ love, you’ll struggle to keep your relationship. The first rule of all relationships is to love you.

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3 Adore your man. No matter how small or big your man is, it’s your responsibility to adore him. To adore him means to love and respect him deeply. It won’t cost you anything to respect your man if you want to keep your relationship. Helloooooo ladies, learn how to respect your man!

4 Communicate your feelings to him (Do not assume he understands you) A lot of us assume our man understands us better.

That might not be the case for all men, they aren’t the same. Constant and effective communication can help keep your relationship going.

5 Give him his space. Yes, you love him, you want to give him attention and show him you love him. Hey girl, don’t overdo it. Men are quite different from women when it comes to space.

Most women are fine with having people around all the time. Men, on the other hand, get annoyed when they don’t get some free space.

Call him when it’s needed, don’t call him when you think he needs to read work or sleep. Understand his daily routine and flow with that.

It’s not always easy for ladies to do some of these, sometimes; we all need to sacrifice for things to flow. Take time to ask him about his list of little things that make him happy, I bet, it would go a long way to helping your relationship grow.

If you’ve got some tips that have worked for you, kindly share in the comment session 


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