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How to Stop Having Sex Before Marriage

How to Stop Having Sex Before Marriage
How to Stop Having Sex Before Marriage

If you are wondering how to stop having sex before marriage, we have a ton of helpful tips to aid you on your way to abstinence.

It is difficult to refrain from sexual activities. It is tough if you have been sexually active for a long time. However, it is possible. You must have a strong desire and determination to abstain.

However, there are a few things you will need to modify in your life to make your sex-free journey simpler.

1. Surrender yourself to Him 

At some point, you have to let go and accept that God is God and that it is He who gives you the will and the power to keep you sexually. So go into His presence as often as necessary and ask Him for His help and power to get there.

This can never come from your strength but from Him; this is why you must learn to abandon yourself to Him and stop believing that you can do it alone: ​​

“So then, let him who thinks he is standing take heed lest he fall! (1 Corinthians 10:12). The God who saved you is the same God who can help keep you.

2. Let the Word of God do Its work in you. 

To win, you must know the Word, what it says about you, what God wants for you, and the truth on which to rely. You must stand on this Word, let it act in you (sincerely), declare it on your life, and saturate yourself with it daily if necessary.

It helps you to stand firm, it renews your thoughts, and it assures you victory if, of course, you put it into practice. “Do the Word, and do not merely hear it, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning. (James 1:22) 

3. Have a prayer companion (of the same sex)

When we make a decision, it is encouraging to know that we can count on the Holy Spirit but also on a person like us, who understands what we are going through and who is committed to praying with us and supporting us in what we are going through.

So be comfortable asking a friend, a mentor, or a trusted person to agree in prayer with you on this subject, regularly if necessary. Be wise and choose a person of the same sex in order to guard your heart and not create unnecessary problems for yourself. 

4. Listen to Insightful Podcasts about How to Stop Having Sex Before Marriage.

Podcasts are the way to go. Many individuals listen to podcasts daily to get an encouraging message or to relate to someone. Podcasts that motivate people to improve certain aspects of their lives are also popular. So, locate a podcast that promotes no sex before marriage. There are several options accessible. Find one, save it, and become a follower.

5. Establish safeguards

Whether in a relationship or not, the main thing is to establish guardrails and healthy boundaries that will allow you to keep yourself. We all know that specific contexts can be tempting for us, so it is essential to know yourself, know your limits, and set limits.

For example: avoiding conversations with the opposite sex after a specific time, having loyal friends who act as chaperones when you are at home, avoiding date nights or late-night Netflix parties, saying no to weekend getaways or trips for two before the wedding, avoiding alcohol so as not to find yourself in certain situations, etc.

The scenarios are multiple! If your heart is well disposed of, even if one day you find yourself in an unfortunate situation, know that the temptation is not stronger than you; count on God, who will provide a way out, an emergency exit for you: “No temptation has come upon you that is not human, and God, who is faithful, will not suffer you to be tempted beyond what you are able; but with the temptation he will also prepare the way out of it, that you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). 

6. Avoid pornography at all costs

This should be obvious. However, it must be said. While watching porn is not the same as having sex, it will put you in the mood to want it. After a time, you will crave the real thing. So, if you want to reduce your drive and desire for sex, avoid watching porn. It will be torturous, and you will probably give up eventually. 

7. Do not Masturbate

This is another common sense advice, but some may benefit from reading it. Masturbation, like watching porn, will almost surely drive you in the wrong way. Do not masturbate if you want to know how to stop having sex before marriage successfully. 

8. Have a vision for your love life and future marriage

This last point is so important! The vision helps you to keep your eyes fixed in the right place, on Jesus but also on what He has for you, and even if the temptation to compromise arises, knowing what you want (i.e., a healthy relationship and a wonderful marriage that glorifies God) helps you stay strong in difficult times.

It also helps you persevere when the seasons pass, when you may feel impatient or discouraged. Always remember that God has a plan for you, and He is not left behind.

If you were wondering how to stop having sex before marriage before reading this article, hopefully, this article has helped you find some valuable tips.

Refraining from sex before marriage might be difficult, but there are methods to make the lifestyle more bearable. So, keep the following advice in mind, and best of luck on your journey!


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