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Basic Teeth Care to Make Your Teeth White

How do You Make Your teeth White
How do You Make Your teeth White

There are a lot of products out there that claim to whiten teeth. However, only a few products work. If you are looking for trusted help to whiten your teeth, here are a few helpful tips. With these tips, you can help prevent tooth discolouration without risking your smile.

Tips on how to keep your teeth white always

1. Baking soda: According to Healthline, baking soda has natural whitening properties, which is why it’s a popular ingredient in commercial toothpaste. It’s a mild abrasive that can help scrub away surface stains on teeth.

Additionally, baking soda creates an alkaline environment in your mouth, which prevents bacteria from growing (9Trusted Source).

This is not a remedy that will whiten your teeth overnight, but you should notice a difference in the appearance of your teeth over time. Note that it is not scientifically proven but many people have attested to its effectiveness.

2. Brushing your teeth: Brush your teeth, and after that rinse your mouth out with water to remove leftover toothpaste from the brush and the walls of your mouth.

After using a toothbrush for 30 seconds or longer, gently blow any remaining toothpaste away from your teeth using the edge of a tissue. Fluff your teeth with your tongue.

3. Use teeth-whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes as maintenance.

Individuals who recently whitened their teeth are encouraged to maintain proper care with over-the-counter toothpaste and mouthwashes. These can be used as routine maintenance to remove stains, an expert said.

Whether you used over-the-counter bleaching strips or visited the dentist for teeth whitening, whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes are safe to use.

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The two major adverse effects reported with tooth whitening are tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. To avoid adverse effects on both teeth and gums, the expert recommends consulting a dental provider who can determine the best treatment plan. Keep in mind that everyone’s teeth respond differently.

4. Flossing: It’s a fact of life that we are all prone to tooth discolouration at some point. While most people get rid of their stains by brushing lightly with floss or toothpaste, others may opt for a more invasive solution – like using hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide will bleach out stains, but it may damage your teeth if used procedure in the wrong way. There are some questions regarding the safety of hydrogen peroxide.

4. Practice oil pulling: Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy meant to improve oral hygiene and remove toxins from the body.

According to Healthline, the practice involves swishing oil around in your mouth to remove bacteria, which can turn into plaque and cause your teeth to look yellow.

Traditionally, Indians used sunflower or sesame oil for oil pulling, but any oil will work. Coconut oil is a popular choice because it has a pleasant taste and offers many health benefits.

Coconut oil is also high in lauric acid, which is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.

A few studies have shown that daily oil pulling reduces bacteria in the mouth, along with plaque and gingivitis. Unfortunately, no scientific studies have proven that oil pulling whitens your teeth.

However, it’s a safe practice and worth a try. Many people claim their teeth are whiter and brighter after regular oil pulling.

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To oil pull, put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and push and pull the oil through your teeth. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, so you may need to wait a few seconds for it to melt. Continue the oil pulling for 15–20 minutes.

Be sure to spit the coconut oil into a toilet or trash can, as it could return to solid form once in your drain pipes and cause a clog.

Unlike many other tooth whitening methods, coconut oil pulling does not expose your teeth to acid or other ingredients that erode the enamel. This means it’s safe to do daily.

5. Prevent tooth stains before they happen

Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco, as both can cause tooth discolouration.

While your teeth are naturally yellow as you age, some things can help prevent stains on your teeth. Limit staining foods and beverages, coffee, red wine, soda, and dark berries are infamous for staining teeth.

That doesn’t mean you have to completely avoid them, but you should limit the amount of time these substances are in contact with your teeth.

If possible, drink beverages known to stain teeth out of a straw to prevent direct contact with your teeth.

Moreover, brush your teeth soon after consuming one of these foods or beverages to limit their effects on the colour of your teeth.


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